Manage Videos

Add and update videos

Add and update videos

Add videos to any page to help your audience engage further with your content.

Adding Video Elements 

To add a video:

  1. Log in to your Liiingo Dashboard
  2. Access the Content Designer using one of the following methods: 
    - Click anywhere on your App Card
    - Click the settings icon on your App Card, then select Edit
  3. Select a page. A checkmark indicates your selected page. 
  4. Click the + icon located in the left tab bar to open the Elements Toolbox. 
  5. Drag and drop the video icon onto the Mobile Preview where you want the video to appear.

Upload a video once you've added a video element to your Mobile Preview.

Uploading Videos

To upload a video to a video element:

  1. Click the video in your Mobile Preview to open the Design Toolbox on the right. 
  2. From the Design Toolbox, upload your video one of two ways: 
    - Click the video preview to search your computer for the video file. 
    - Drag and drop the video file from its location on your computer onto the video preview.