Manage Page Statuses

Manage page statuses

Manage page statuses

Page Status Options

Liiingo offers a variety of page statuses, so you can be sure the right people see your content at the right time. There are multiple page status options available in Liiingo:

  • Active - Active pages are visible to users through app navigation, direct links, and QR codes. After active pages are viewed, they show up in a user's History and can be navigated back to at any time. This is the default status when you create a new page.
  • Inactive - Inactive pages are not visible to users.
  • Incognito - Incognito pages are visible to users through direct links and QR codes, but not app navigation. After incognito pages are viewed, they show up in a user's History and can be navigated back to at any time.
  • Temporary - Temporary pages are visible to users through direct links and QR codes, but not app navigation. After temporary pages are viewed, they will not show up in a user's History. Users lose access once they navigate away from the page.

Changing Page Status

To change a page's status, click the page status icon until the desired status is displayed.