Add Alt Text to Imagery

Learn about providing accessible content to your users.

Learn about providing accessible content to your users.

What is alt text?

Alt text is descriptive text used by the visually impaired to understand the meaning and context of images in a digital format. When a screen reader program on a computer or mobile device detects alt text for an image, the alt text is read aloud to the user.

Add Alt Text

Once you’ve added an image or image button, take the following steps to add alt text:

  1. Click the image or image button to open the Design Toolbox on the right.
  2. Click the Alt Text field in the Accessibility section of the Design Toolbox
  3. Provide a description of the image or image button. 

Tips for writing alt text:

  1. Be specific
  2. Avoid being too wordy
  3. Avoid using ‘Image of’ or ‘Picture of’ in your description
  4. If there is text in the image, include the text

For best results, imagine you’re describing the image over the phone when deciding what details to include or omit. Only include information that is important for understanding the image, mentally or emotionally.